In reality, major depression attack more than twice as many women than men. Arround 24% of women and 11% of men will thoroughly suffer one or more episodes of major depression in their lifetimes. Compared to heart disease and alcoholism which caused almost 25% of death, major depression almost rival them in statistic issue.
Although major depression attacking people of all ages, it often attacking people at age 24-45. Beside them, college student are also in high risk to suffer from major depression, but this issue often unrecognizable because the symptoms resemble like teen problem such as change in mood, problem with friend and assignment, irritability and etc. And the most dangerous if this illness is untreated, it'll lead the sufferer to conclusion of suicide.
Although major or clinical depression now is second leading cause of death among people between age 15-25, we must not take this matter lightly to elderly. The symptoms of major depression at elderly such as fatigue and sad mood often mistaken to aging process, if we aren't aware of this matter it'll become serious problem because the depression of elderly have higher risk of suicide than younger people.
Thanks for reading :)
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