Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Psychodynamic Theory in Major Depression

Classical psychodynamic theory about depression from Freud (1917-1957) , believed that depression represents anger directed into oneself and not against those who are loved . Anger can be directed to self after experiencing the actual loss or threat of loss of those who considered this important .

Freud believed that mourning ( grieving ) is a healthy process for the bereaved person can finally detach themselves psychologically from someone who is lost due to death , separation , divorce , or other reasons . However , pathological grief that does not support a healthy separation . However , pathological grief that does not support a healthy separation . Instead , it will foster an endless depression . Pathological grief tends to occur in people who have a strong ambivalent feelings ( a combination of positive feelings ( love ) and negative ( anger, hostility ) ) against those who have gone or feared his departure . Freud theorized that when people feel lost , or even the fear of losing , an important figure of the person to whom they have ambivalent feelings , their angry feelings toward that person turns into extreme anger . However , extreme anger is triggered guilt , which actually prevents them to direct anger directly to people who have gone

To maintain a psychological relationship with the lost object , they use intro-injection , or brought into , a mental representation of the object . They then unite others into the self . Now anger inward , dealing with a part of the self that represents representation in of missing persons . This gives rise to self - hatred , that would cause depression .

Although also stressed the importance of the loss, the latest psychodynamic models focus more on issues related to feelings of self - worth individual will or self - esteem . A model , called the model of self - focusing , consider how people allocate their attentional processes after a loss ( death of loved ones , personal failures , etc) . According to this model , people who are susceptible to depression have a period of self - examination (self - focusing ) intense after the occurrence of a loss or a big disappointment . They become fixated on thoughts about the object ( the loved one ) or missing an important goal and still can not give up hope of somehow a way to get it back .

Humanistic Theory in Major Depression

According to the framework of the humanistic , people become depressed when they can not fill their existence with meaning and can not make choices that produce authentic self -fulfillment. If we think our lives are drab maybe we have prevented the achievement of our need for self - actualization .

Humanistic theorists also focus on the loss of self - esteem that can occur when people have lost a friend or family member , or a decline or loss in jobs . We tend to connect personal identity and sense of self - worth us with our social roles as parents , spouse , student , or worker . If this role is lost identity , through the death of a spouse , the children had gone to college , or the loss of a job , a sense of purpose and self - worth we can be shaken . Depression is a frequent consequence of such loss . Especially if we base our self- esteem on the job role or success . Lost jobs , lower rank , or the failure to achieve a sale is the usual trigger of depression , especially when we are brought up to judge ourselves by the success of the work .

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Stress and Mood Disorders in Major Depression

Stressful life events such as losing a loved one , breakup of a romantic, old unemployed life , physical pain , problems in marriage and relationships , economic hardship , pressure at work , or racism and discrimination increase the risk of developing a recurrence of a mood disorder or mood disorder , especially major depression . On a sample study , researchers found that in about four out of five cases , major depression preceded by stressful life events. People are also more likely to be depressed if they bear the responsibility of undesirable events , such as school problems , financial difficulties , unwanted pregnancy , interpersonal problems , and trouble with the law.

Stressful life events can contribute to depression , and symptoms of depression in themselves can be pressed or cause the emergence of additional resources on stress , such as divorce or loss of a job .

Although stress implicated in depression , not all people who experience stress becomes depression . Factors such as coping skills , genetic inheritance , and the availability of social support contribute to the tendency of depression when faced with stressful events . The development of depression also can be affected by torture or trauma in the past. Consistent with the model diathesis stress , researchers found that young women are more likely to develop depression when faced with stressful life events when they have diathesis in the form of exposure to adversity in childhood such as family violence or mental illness or alcoholism parents. Physical or sexual abuse in childhood can interfere with the development of early bonding with parents , forming stages of development for relationship problems and emotional disorders involving depression and anxiety in the future.

The availability of social support is also associated with more rapid healing better than episodes of major depression and bipolar disorder . People with major depression often lack the skills needed to solve interpersonal problems with friends , coworkers , or supervisors . But those who take a more active approach in solving interpersonal problems tend to have better clinical outcomes than those whose depression had a more passive coping style .

Friday, July 24, 2015

Dealing with Major Depression (As Friend or Interlocutor of the Patient)

In previous post we already talk about how to deal with major depression if we're the patient. Now, I want to discuss about how to deal with whoever suffer from major depression as a friend or interlocutor of the patient. We live in a social environment where we do not know with who we will interact with. When we begin to interact with someone , we can not immediately tell whether the person is suffering from major depression or not. But, it's different matter if we can use mind reading and read the mind of anyone in front you  :D Asumming we can't reading mind, what we must do if we encounter and interact with the sufferer?

Recognize signs of major depression
When talking to a someone and he began to open up , be aware of signs of major depression in him . Maybe he talk when he was having trouble sleeping , or he was not excited when socializing and or maybe he had thoughts of suicide . Remember ! To deal with it , first we need to know whether the person we are talking to actually suffering from major depression or not.

Be a Good Listener
Be a good listener , do not need to think too deeply about the answers to every story. Just focus to every story and do not ignore it . Depressed patients have sensitive feeling and can think that we actually ignore him.

Don't Underestimate every story!
This is very important ! Try to always believe every story he told the story though strange . Any criticism is forbidden for people suffering from mental health problems . Because of the criticism will make people lose trust in us and he will feel belittled and demeaned .

Give him thought to meet a therapist
Seeing a therapist is a very necessary thing for a patient with depression . Tell him that the therapist can help to solve the problem .

Always Good to New People 
Be good to everyone will help us to get closer to him . Because we do not know the life of every person , so be good to everyone.

If you have another thought, we can discuss it and
Thank you for reading :)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Dealing with Major Depression (As the patient)

a professor said that major depression can be cured even without the use of prescribed medications as directed. How can we do it? It can be done by make a new lifestyle that can boost our mood and avoid any aspect that can deal much stress in our life. So, minimizing stress is the best way to do it. How can we do it?

1. Talk with a  therapist

Talking with a therapist is very important , because a teraphist can give advice on how we can organize our lives and reduce the level of stress that occurs . In addition it can help us to improve our self-esteem.

2. Improve our self image

Increase our self image is important to boost our mood . Try to smile at ourselves in the mirror and focus on the good things will help to boost our self image . And then, we can conduct activities that can improve our self-esteem such as fitness and healthy diet .

3. Follow your schedule

Sometimes , a person with depression feel themselves less motivated to do something . The way to handle it is to make a schedule and follow the schedule that we created. Make a schedule where you can enjoy it to the fullest (but don't forget about your duty). In this way , we can begin to forget about the depression that we have.

4. Stay involved

Away from social life is one of the symptoms of depression . The way to cope it is not to stay away ! Social life is very important and we can not deny that people is a social creature . Away from social life will only make us tend to spin in the current depression, therefore look for fun activities such as watching a movie or walking the street with a friend , so it will improve our mood.

5. Express yourselft through writing

Writing is a good way to manage depression . Having a diary would be very good to help us let go of any thoughts and feelings that we have. To that end , be honest in writing this book and feel the difference between before and after writing.

6. Believe

And the last, we must believe that everything will go well.

Thank you for reading :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Example Case of Major Depression

At the last post I already give a picture about major depression through example of film, a this opportunity I want to give a real case to make us have a better understanding about major depression.

Example case:
An administrative employee, 38 years old, had received a brief depression that came up repeatedly since she was 13 years old. Recently, she was troubled by the attacks crying in the workplace, sometimes appear very suddenly that she did not have enough time to run to the ladies toilet in order to hide her tears from others. She had difficulty concentrating at work and feel less gets satisfaction from her which she usually enjoy. She kept a pessimistic feeling and severe anger, which lately has become more severe because of her weight increased and she ignores her treatment of diabetes. She felt guilty about the possibility that she was killing herself slowly by not maintaining better health. He sometimes felt deserved to die . She was disturbed by excessive sleepiness during the last year and a half , and the driving license has been detained since last month's accident in which she fell asleep at the wheel , causing her car crashed into a public phone box. Almost every morning she woke up with dizziness and feeling " not excited " , and still sleepy during the day. She never had a steady boyfriend, and peaceful life with her mother, in the absence of close friends outside the family. During the interview , she repeatedly cried and answered questions in a voice that was slow , while constantly looking down. (Adapted from Spitzer et al ., 1989 , p 59-62 in the book Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World ).

Hope you get better understanding about major depression topic
Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Example of Film about Major Depression

Here is the example of film that can make us getting better picture about major depression. Hope you'll like it 

Title                     : Ordinary People
Actor & Actress : Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore, Timothy Hutton, Judd Hirsch, Elizabeth McGovern
Summary :
This film tells about a family which experienced a disaster, the death of their eldest son. This story start from Conrad Jarret (Timothy Hutton), the figure of a handsome young man but looks stiff and uneasy. He is like losing side of affection when dealing with other people such as family and friends. Later revealed that it arises from a sense of regret for his brother 's death that occurred in front of his eyes. Scene after scene gave an overview to the audience that the three main figures of this film ; Father ( Donald Sutherland ), mother ( Mary Tyler Moore ), as well as Conrad Jarrett is the type of family that looks good on the outside but actually has lost the ability to establish intense communication between them. This film tells the story of impotence with very good communication between them with scenes reasonable, solid and effective.This conflict continues to grow with the involvement of the father were hit by confusion. On the one hand, he recognizes that what is perceived Conrad was true, and it was happening to her, but on the other hand he could not fully sided with his son, in order to save the family.

Thank you for reading :)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Risks Factor for Major Depression

In reality, major depression attack more than twice as many women than men.  Arround 24% of women and 11% of men will thoroughly suffer one or more episodes of major depression in their lifetimes. Compared to heart disease and alcoholism which caused almost 25% of death, major depression almost rival them in statistic issue.

Although major depression attacking people of all ages, it often attacking people at age 24-45. Beside them, college student are also in high risk to suffer from major depression, but this issue often unrecognizable because the symptoms resemble like teen problem such as change in mood, problem with friend and assignment, irritability and etc. And the most dangerous if this illness is untreated, it'll lead the sufferer to conclusion of suicide.

Although major or clinical depression now is second leading cause of death among people between age 15-25, we must not take this matter lightly to elderly. The symptoms of major depression at elderly such as fatigue and sad mood often mistaken to aging process, if we aren't aware of this matter it'll become serious problem because the depression of elderly have higher risk of suicide than younger people.

Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

How to Prevent Major Depression?

To prevent this illness, it can be done by not consuming alcohol and any forbidden medicine, because they can make depression more serious and occurs to suicide though. Beside that, if we must consume some medicine, we must ask the doctor about the side effect of the medicine and the right doze to consume them. False doze can make the depression more serious and it'll not good to our mental health.

And here is other thing we must do to prevent the depression :
1.  Get Your Exercise Everyday

Running 10 minute everyday will keep our blood to circulate well and make our body healthy. One quotes from the elderly "Men Sana in Corpore Sano", In a strong body there is a healthy soul.

2. Try to Keep Healthy Sleeping Habit

What I mean in this point, everybody often to have bad sleeping habit. Let's make healthy sleeping habit, if we often sleep at 11 PM, everyday let's sleep at 11 PM, because a change in our sleeping habit will result in insomnia. And all of the depression symptoms is insomnia to the sufferer.

3. Get any Hobby that Lead to Happiness

Try to find any hobby that can make you happy. This way, it'll make your mind far from depression

4. Involved in any Group Activity

5. Talk with anybody Who Know Your Feeling

Talk to those who care for you and know how to treat you well, it'll help you a lot to prevent depression.

6. Try to Befriend with Positive and Caring People

Remember! You are like 5 people who closest to you! So it's very important to choose a friend. If we're close with friend who always sighing and complaining about life, of course we'll be dragged like those. So, We must clever to choose our friend :D

Thank you for reading :)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Symptoms of Major Depression with psycothic features

Here is the list that the sufferer already reach this stage:

1. Spending a lot time in bed

    In this case, the sufferer will often to spend time in bed at day and wake up at night

2. Starting to have delusions

     Starting to have delusions and hallucination about thing that doesn't exist in the first place. Maybe they think that devil is possesing them or commited sins that actually they don't do. They starting to have illogical and strange ideas about themselves.

3. Fast to get angry
    Because of the sensitivity they have, the will fast to get angry for no apparel reason

4. Ignoring their own appearance

    They will neglect their own appearance by not bathing or changing clothes

5. Hard to talk to

    It's hard to talk to those who suffer from this illness

    Thank you for reading :)