Monday, June 29, 2015

What is Major Depression with Psychotic Features?

Have you ever heard about psychotic features that happen in someone who suffer major depression? I ever read it once in Tonny Robbins book "Awaken the Giant Within". In his seminar, someone suddenly stand and shouting "everything is dark!" So, actually what is major depression with psychotic features?

To put it simply, major depression with psychotic features is a major depression that reach severe criteria, which the sufferer experience depession along with lost touch with reality (psychosis). In this state, the sufferer will have major depression symptoms followed by hallucination and delusion. This hallucination can be hearing thing that doesn't exist which always make the sufferer to feel down. And delusion about bad thing are about to happen.

To explain it easily, it's like fatamorgana which often happen in the dessert. But, it's happen to those who suffer this illness in severe degrees.

Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Effect of Major Depression

In previous post, we already discuss a little bit about effect of major depression. But, actually what kind of hardship that the sufferer of this sickness must face everyday? I'll try to explain it in simple way. 

Major Depression will affect the life of the sufferer directly or undirectly. It may cause the sufferer to have very bad sleeping habit. Normal person who have problem with his sleeping (such as insomnia or hypersomnia) will have her life become mess, because he/she will feel fatigue from lack of sleep. Then, can you imagine how the person that suffered from major depression have sleeping habit? Of course it'll become serious disaster.

Beside that, it'll affect everyday life of the sufferer. Because he/she can't enjoy normally enjoyable experience, it may cause the sufferer to pull him/herself from social life and it'll cause them to get isolated from society. Obviously, it'll affect the sufferer's school, work, and family life. It may lead to drop out, fired, and divorce that followed by feeling of worthlesness.

Because of depression that doesn't stop, the sufferer will seek for pleasures that he/she can get from forbidden medicinal item. And we know that if someone get addicted to them will lead into another disaster such as major depression with psychotic features. In worst case scenario, the sufferer will get tired of everyday life and this will lead to suicide. 

If I imagine it happen in my life, I think I don't know what must I do to live in this world again. It must be very hard to those who suffer this depression. So, let's support them with affection and open hands. And most of all, let's not judge and not treat any people carelessly. Because everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. 

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How Long Does Major Depression Last?

"How long I must suffer from this depression? I can't endure this any long" That's some phrase that usually pop from the patient of major depression. Of course they'll feel annoyed from that. Why? Because it'll lead they life in serious problem.

For example, because of major depression, someone's daily life will be ruined. Her/His school or work life will be damaged and in the worst case, it may cause someone get fired from his/her company or school. Another example, it can make the social or family life of the sufferer become broke and in the worst case it'll lead to fight and divorce. And the sufferer of major depression is close of using medical item that actually forbidden to use to seek for pleasure, and it obviously will lead into another problem. Wow! Those aren't just simple problem right?

So, it's very important to treat it as fast as possible. People who are depressed cannon simply "pull themselves together" and be cured. The proper treatment is very needed by the sufferer of major depression to overcome this illness. The untreated clinical depression can last for week, month, or years, it doesn't have certain time to cured. It's depend on the mind and mental condition of the sufferer.

But, we must be careful to find the right psychotherapies. Certain psychotherapies can actually worsen depression and make the treatment take long time, which is why it is important that we must well informed about depression treatment.

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Major Depression Medication

At our last discussion, it said that major depression is a sickness that as dangerous as chronic pysical sickness like diabetes.
Maybe some of you worried now, some question like "how can I live with this chronic sickness?" ever pop out in your head. But, I want to say this now, don't worry guys :)

This sickness already have medication on its own.  There are many ways how to medicate this sickness. First thing we must remember, this isn't pysical sickness that only can be treated using medicine or herbal. Major depression is mental issues, so the medication must be done by general practitioner or psychologist to do some teraphy to the patient , 
so first thing to do is to find a professional psychologist. And then , the best way to medicate this depression is to combine pshychoterapy and along with it also using medication item such as antidepressant to boost the recovery effect and time. 

And lastly say, mental issues such as major depression isn't a sickness that the doctor will cure it for you. It's a sickness where the patient must find their own way to cure themself. The teraphyst only act as a medium to help the patient to find the root of depression. 

So, it's very important and I recommend to find some motivational book, that will help you to find some new way of life. Stay positive, do your best and everything will be alright :)

Thanks for reading.

Major Depression Diagnosis

How to diagnosis major depression? Is it using laboratory check up such as X-Ray test? Or using blood test? To answer this question, first thing that we must know, major depression isn't a physical sickness that attacking  human organ. If we talk about "major depression", it's a sickness that attacking psychology or mental of human.

So, to diagnosis this sickness, it only can be known by:

1) Pysical Exam and Laboratory Test, to make sure if there aren't any physical sickness or medical issues that lead to major depression.

In this exam, the doctor can use blood test to check if there are any medical issues that can lead to major depression.
For example, the use of alcohol or any medical item that out of dose, medication of cancer or stroke, and hypotiroidsm. That kind of medical issues also may lead to major depression.

2)Psychological Evaluation, to check the sign of depression

This medical evaluation must be held by general practitioner or psychologist. What will they do to the check the patient? First thing that they must do is to records the person's current circumtances, biographical history, current symptoms, and family history of the sufferer.
They will do some interview about personal and family psychiatric history. Maybe, it's also need to complete a depression screening test.

The conclusion is, someone can be diagnosed suffer from major depression after completing those evaluation.

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Symtoms and Signs of Major Depression

So, what symptoms that the sufferer of Major Depression have? Here is the list:

Depressed mood, such as feeling sad and cannot feeling pleasure on normal enjoyable activity.

Fatigue or loss energy almost everyday

Insomnia or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping) almost everyday 

Recurring thought of dead or suicide.

Sudden change in appetite

Significant weight gain or loss

Trouble concentrating

Feeling of  Worthlessness

Withdrawal from social situations and activity

Major depression will affect person's family, school or work life, eating habits, and general health. Some research says that the impact of major depression is as same as chronic medical disease like diabetes.

And more dangerously, at elderly major depression often coexist with some medical issues such as stroke, other cardiovascular diseases, parkinson's disease, and chronic pulmonary disease.

If depression is in very severe condition, it may occur to depression with psychotic features. In this condition the patient may have hallucination and delusions.

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What Causing Major Depression?

Major Depression or Clinical depression can be cause by several thing. These are the example of what caused major depression 

The wrong usage of medicinal item

using alcohol and other medicinal item which not in accordance to the right usage and dose, or even use it only for pleasure may damage the nervous system and causing major depression.

Sadness from Losing a Loved One or Personal Conflict in Relationship 

Having a hard condition in relationship and lose someone special through death, separation, or divorce may lead to overwhelming sadness and causing major depression.

Sleeping Problem

Cannot sleep or often we called "insomnia" is a serious problem that may occur depression. 

Social Isolation or Feeling of Being Deprived

This may happen in most of people, although there is no one that isolating him/her, sometimes people always feels like the world is isolate him/herself, and this kind of feeling can lead to major depression.

Certain Medical Condition 

The people which have medical conditon such as underactive thyroid, cancer, and long term pain will have huge chance to suffer depression.

Physical and Communication Abuse 

Hard and painful experience will always haunt the victim and lead to depression.

Major Life Change

Such as moving, graduation, job change, retirement at first will cause stress and if the people cannot adapt well, it'll cause depression.

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What is Major Depression?

Do you ever feel like you're not in good condition to doing anything? Everything feels not good and it make you feel so bored and empty? Or Maybe you feel like you're doing something fun, but you're not feel excited from it? And finally, it'll lead you in conclusion that you're suffering mental issues called "Major Depression". 

Maybe all of them is actually the symptoms of sickness called Major Depression. But, don't worry, actually Major Depression is more deeper than all of that symptoms. So, what is "Major Depression"? Major depression is a mental issues/sickness that marked by persistent low mood and lost interest in normally enjoyable activity, and the sufferer will suffer a constant sense of hopelesness and despair. And what make the sufferer of major depression or clinical depression different from thos who don't suffer?

An individual that endure this sickness will facing hard time to eat, sleep, enjoy some times with close friend and it'll obviously affecting school time, daily, work, and family life. It'll make them feel like they want to die or disappear from this world. This depair and constant sense of hopelesness that made this depression different from a simple low mood condition. 

This depression is unique and can be different to each person, some will have this depression once in a lifetime, while the others will have it several times. But, people who affected by major depression will usually think most sad and unfortunate almost all of the situation in their life.

Sometimes, if we're facing situation in simply low mood, don't jump to conclusion too fast, it's normal for everyone to have low mood sometimes. So, what'll happen to those who actually suffer this condition? We'll discuss it at another article
Thanks for reading :)